eSeminars  &  eConference  &  Webinars
central topics  =  qPCR  &  dPCR  &  RNAi  &  Molecular-Biology

Amplify your knowledge in qPCR, dPCR and NGS!

This streaming portal is dedicated to scientists from the community of qPCR, digital PCR, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), MicroGenomics (MG) and Molecular Diagnostics (MDx). You’ll find here all the records from around 500 presentations held at qPCR & NGS and MG Events in the past years – qPCR 2010 in Vienna to GQ2023 in Freising-Weihenstephan, and MicroGenomics 2014 in Paris.
We provide the presentations via movie streaming technology in high quality – high resolution and perfect sound quality in high speed – on any internet browser or mobile device, including Android or iOS.


iBiology’s mission is to convey, in the form of open-access free videos, the excitement of modern biology and the process by which scientific discoveries are made. Our aim is to let you meet the leading scientists in biology, so that you can find out how they think about scientific questions and conduct their research, and can get a sense of their personalities, opinions, and perspectives. We also seek to support educators who want to incorporate materials that illustrate the process and practice of science into their curriculum. This project is made possible by the good will of many biologists who are committed to making their work broadly accessible and to conveying the excitement of biology to a worldwide audience.

Identification of MRSA using 3-colour Crystal digital PCR
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
8 AM PDT   |   11 AM EDT   |   4 PM BST   |   5 PM CEST

button Stilla Technologies

Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a major pathogen associated with complicating hospital and community medicine. Drug resistance increases the risk of complications and can challenge routine procedures such as surgery. As different species, such as Staphylococcus epidermidis, can also carry resistance, this can further increase the challenge of diagnosis using culture and/or molecular methods.

This webcast describes a digital PCR approach that uses a three colour detection platform (Naica Crystal Digital PCR System, Stilla Technologies) to count the number of genes that confer resistance and compare this with the number of genes from S. aureus and S. epidermidis within a sample. This method may be useful to determine which organism is carrying the resistance gene.

During this webcast you will:
  • Understand 3-colour multiplexing digital PCR
  • Understand The Naica System Workflow
  • Learn a new method to determine resistance gene and drug resistance
  • Given a practical study : identification of MRSA with the Naica System
  • Learn about digital PCR for infectious diseases applications

Nature - Podcast    Podcast - index page

Nature - Video Streaming

Science - Podcast

Science - Multimedia

Animations of Inhibitory RNA Action:
  • Nature Reviews Genetics - Nature Reviews Genetics (2001) "Post-Transcriptional Gene Silencing by Double-Stranded RNA"
  • Nature Reviews - A high quality movie describing inhibitory RNA events and mechanisms

qPCR talks around the world:

Reliable Quantification by qPCR
a talk by Steve Bustin

RNA Quantification in Research and Diagnostics
a talk by Mikael Kubista

The Importance of Controls and Novel Solutions for Successful Real-time qPCR

a talk by Qiagen

Learn Why You Might Be One of the 90% Using Unsuitable qPCR Reference Genes

a talk by Bio-Rad

Six Tips for Increasing the Reproducibility of qPCR Experiments

a talk by Bio-Rad

How to Minimize Contamination in qPCR Experiments

a talk by Bio-Rad

Quantitative PCR
by Matthias Dobbelstein
Molecular Oncology, GZMB, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, Germany

9 videos on YouTube

Quantitative PCR. This series of short chalk-talk videos will cover the principles and calculations associated with quantitative PCR. The seminar is also part of a methods course provided to PhD students of the Göttingen Graduate School of Neurosciences and Molecular Biosciences, GGNB.
  • Quantitative PCR - Introduction A  2:35
  • Quantitative PCR - Introduction B  14:37
  • Quantitative PCR - real-time PCR and SybrGreen fluorescence  14:05
  • Quantitative PCR - the deltaCt method  9:27
  • Quantitative PCR - deltaCt in the real world  10:21
  • Quantitative PCR - RT-PCR  7:36
  • Quantitative PCR - internal controls  8:54
  • Quantitative PCR - the deltadeltaCt method  6:22
  • Quantitative PCR - the melting curve  11:25

Molecular Biology On-Demand Webinars:
  • Direct PCR: Amplify Without Purification
  • PCR Reaction Setup and Cycling
  • Optimize Your PCR
  • The Essentials of Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation
  • How to Avoid Common Mistakes in the qPCR Workflow
  • Your Key to Success in NGS: The Library Preparation Workflow
  • DNA Polymerases at Work: Finding Your PCR Champion
Molecular Biology On-Demand Webinars:
  • Restriction Enzyme Digestion: Cutting DNA the Right Way
  • Optimize Your Cloning: No More Trouble With Ligation
  • The Essentials of Real-Time PCR
  • Cloning Workflow Considerations
  • Direct PCR
  • Thermo Scientific Direct PCR Kits and Applications

Nanostring Webinars

            Watch the PCR music video

WEBINAR -- Characterizing the Performance of qPCR Instruments – Approaches for Assessment and Comparison
The breadth of instruments available for quantitative PCR (qPCR) has continued to grow in the past 5-10 years. With older platforms now being retired and an abundance of new technologies available to replace them, lab managers, technicians, and researchers will need to effectively compare and evaluate the performance of these platforms. While new features such as multiplexing, microfluidics, and integration with liquid handling automation have enabled higher throughput and lower operating costs, it has made it increasing complex to readily compare different types of instruments and their respective performance characteristics.
As the list of features and specifications grows, understanding some of the key metrics of instrument performance will become critical for evaluating platforms that will best meet the needs of a laboratory’s application focus and assay requirements. Unfortunately, instrument vendors have not consistently conformed to any particular standards for defining and assessing performance characteristics of qPCR instruments and rarely have the methods been adequately documented in the product literature.
In this webinar, we will define several key performance metrics of qPCR instruments such as dynamic range, Cq uniformity, sensitivity, and resolution, and further discuss their importance in practical terms. Using data from characterization and verification studies performed on the IntelliQube instrument from Douglas Scientific, we will also review approaches to evaluating these metrics, including assays and software tools that streamline the analysis and interpretation of performance testing results.

Real-time PCR tutorial | qPCR that Works Scientists worldwide trust real-time PCR reagents from Takara Bio–even for the most demanding qPCR experiments.

When you use real-time PCR reagents that are sensitive and specific, you can spend less time on PCR troubleshooting and more time on moving your research forward. Takara Bio offers qPCR kits for use with both SYBR Green detection and TaqMan probes.

Part 1: Getting You Started

  • Find the right detection method
  • Study your gene expression by RT-qPCR
  • Check the accuracy of your results

Professor Mikael Kubista
TATAA Biocenter

webinar image

Compatible with all major real time PCR instrument systems, these products allow you to obtain accurate, consistent results from a wide variety of sample types, even when other reagents fail. Want to try Takara Bio real time PCR reagents for yourself? Samples are available for many of our qPCR reagents.

Part 2: Interpreting Your Data
  • Determine Cq values
  • Obtain absolute quantification of your starting DNA
  • Define a good reference for relative quantification
  • Follow MIQE guidelines

Robert Sjöback, Ph.D.
TATAA Biocenter

webinar image

Count on Takara Bio to help you choose the best qPCR products for plant, soil, blood, paraffin-embedded tissues, archival or degraded samples or when conducting gene expression studies, forensic research analyses, or other specific applications. Want to learn more about real-time PCR? Three videos produced by TATAA Biocenter in Europe help you understand everything from the basics of qPCR to data analysis techniques. Each 20- to 30-minute video can be watched at your convenience from the comfort of your office, lab, or home.

Part 3: Troubleshooting Your Results
  • Identify potential pitfalls in qPCR data
  • Detect PCR inhibition
  • Control the quality of RNA and reverse transcription

Kristina Lind, Ph.D.
TATAA Biocenter

webinar image

Online Real-Time PCR Training

Module 1:
Fundamentals of real-time PCR
Module 2:
Assay design choices
Module 3:
Module 4:
Module 5:
Reagent choices
Module 6:
Theory of analysis
Access an overview of real-time PCR instrument choices and learn how real-time PCR differs from endpoint PCR. How can you use real-time PCR in your research? What is the difference between TaqMan® chemistry and SYBR® Green chemistry? What should you consider when planning your gene expression assays? What is the impact of multitranscript assays and assay specificity? How do you design custom assays? What is normalization and why is it important? What are the types of normalizers and what are their functions? How does multigene normalization work? What is multiplexing, and when and how do you use it? Discussion topics include setting up your real-time PCR reaction, and preparing master mixes and reagents for plate additions. Perform dynamic range testing with standard curves, quantify your data using the ΔΔCt method, and gain a better understanding of absolute vs. relative quantification.

View trainings here

Whether you’re new to PCR or need more in-depth learning guides our video library will have all the resources you need.  See our Veriti® Thermal Cycler in action, catch up with Ph.Diddy and Ph.Diva and go behind the scenes. New videos will be added periodically so be sure to bookmark this page for future reference.
  • Featured Videos
  • Music Videos
  • Applications
  • Products
  • How To's
  • Interviews

Introduction to Real-Time PCR

Introduction to TaqMan® Copy Number Assays

Introduction to TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays

Introduction to TaqMan® Protein Assays

RTPCR Fundamentals

Fundamentals of Real-Time PCR
Digital PCR

Introduction to Digital PCR

To view these recorded webinars,
please ensure that your pop-up blocker is disabled !

The MIQE guidelines - Online tutorials




qPCR and MIQE Seminar Series
"MIQE Oldies but Goodles" from the Sigma Aldrich Learning Center

As part of our customer education program, we have provided two recorded seminar series covering the topics of qPCR and MIQE. The recorded sessions are intended to provide a high level overview of these subject matters. We have kept the lessons concise so that you can enjoy a self-paced learning program.

Seminar Title Presenter Recording Length
(hours : minutes : seconds)
Primer and Probe Design Ashley Heath, PhD 0:06:32
An Introduction to qPCR Concepts Mudassir Mohammed, PhD 0:09:37
Selecting a qPCR Basic Detection Chemistry Mudassir Mohammed, PhD 0:12:35
Choosing a Fluorophore / Quencher Combination Anders Bergkvist, PhD 0:11:30
Chemistries for More Challenging qPCR Assays Mudassir Mohammed, PhD 0:15:18
MIQE Concepts Marina Wiklander, PhD 0:03:19
Reference Gene Validation Anders Bergkvist, PhD 0:12:47
Data Analysis Guidelines Anders Bergkvist, PhD 0:10:42

Seminar Title Presenter Recording Length
(hours : minutes : seconds)
MIQE: Assay Design Considerations Tania Nolan, PhD 0:17:37
MIQE: Sample Derived Inhibitors Tania Nolan, PhD 0:13:04
MIQE: RNA Quality Considerations Tania Nolan, PhD 0:15:31
MIQE: RNA Quantity and RT Considerations Tania Nolan, PhD 0:16:38

microRNA animation by Exiqon

This animation describes Exiqon's LNA™ technology, and why it is superior to DNA in the study of microRNAs, which are challenging for many reasons  =>  show animation
Their short length and the high sequence similarity between closely related microRNAs makes it hard to detect them with sufficient specificity and sensitivity.
=> Exiquon ProbeLibrary real-time PCR Assay System

More Exiqon eTalks on

RNA Integrity Database (RINdb)- Bioanalyzer RNA Profiles
Marc Valer, Microfluidics Program Manager, Genomics, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara.

Synopsis: Thousands of users today trust the bioanalyzer 2100 for qualifying total RNA samples, looking for integrity, purity, recovery, and consistency information for sample preparation methods, assisting them to determine the optimal conditions for their experimental design. Marc Valer describes the use of Agilent's new RNA Integrity Database (RINdb) to assist in the development of experimental protocols, particularly sample preparations, by providing a means for researchers to contextualize RNA profiles.

Qiagen Webinars

Register for a live Webinar and hear a live talk about the cutting-edge technologies of your choice followed by a Q&A session. The speaker will answer as many of your questions as possible during the session. Any remaining questions will be answered by personal e-mail after the Webinar. Alternatively, you can listen to one of our previously recorded Webinars.

  • miRNA purification and detection — new tools in expression profiling and biomarker development
  • Recent progress in RNAi screening
  • A successful and affordable RNAi solution for every lab
  • Novartis scientists share their experiences in multiplex, real-time PCR
  • Transcriptome-wide miRNA quantification by RT-PCR
  • Accelerate your PCR and qPCR
  • and much more..........................

PODCAST:  The Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology lectures include text, images, and audio. Each lecture webpage is synchronized to the audio component. In addition, the lectures are available as a podcast subscription.

Lecture 1: webpage
Lecture 2: webpage
Lecture 3: webpage
Lecture 4: webpage
Lecture 5: webpage
Lecture 6: webpage
Lecture 7: webpage
Lecture 8: webpage
Lecture 9: webpage

by Lawrence Chasin and Deborah Mowshowitz, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, New York.  Clickable pictures are from Purves, et. al., Life, 5th Edition, Sinauer-Freeman's Images of Life 5.0.  A production of the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learnin

Title Date
qPCR assay design and validation 10/10/2012
Assessing the Quantity of Index-Tagged Libraries by QPCR 03/08/2011
QPCR - MX Software Training – How to Set Up an Absolute Quantitation Experiment and a Relative Quantitation Experiment on the MX 03/24/2011
QPCR Assay Optimization for Multiplexing: Practical Advice for Improving Data Quality 02/15/2011

Title Date
Design a Custom Target Expression Microarray in Agilent eArray 09/18/2012
Addition of Triton X-102 to Wash Buffers for the miRNA and Gene Expression Microarray Applications  
Use of Agilent Custom and Catalog Microarrays to Analyze Gene Expression Networks in Plants 02/20/2008
Alternative Splicing of the G-Protein coupled receptor superfamily in human airway smooth muscle diversifies range of receptors 09/18/2008
Finding the missing linCs of the transcriptome: The human body map lincRNA catalog 06/06/2012
High Resolution Expression Analysis: Detection of Alternatively Spliced Isoforms by ExonHit's SpliceArray™ Technology 01/30/2009
Influence of Genome Wide DNA Alteration on Expression in Breast Carcinomas  
New connections between signal transduction and transcriptional regulatory  
Post-genomics of the model Archaeon Halobacterium sp. NRC-1  
Sensitive Gene Expression Profiling Using Minimal Amounts of RNA - Introducing Agilent's SurePrint G3 Gene Expression Platform  
The Agilent Gene Expression Platform: LINC-ing to the Future with Increased Density 11/18/2010
Translation Paediatric Oncology 11/18/2010
Using GeneSpring for Gene Expression and miRNA Paired Analysis 02/22/2011

Fast PCR and real-time PCR tutorials   (by Bio-Rad)

The presentations listed below provide background and instruction about specific concepts in PCR.

PCR Fundamentals — This audio slideshow describes the PCR process, including the steps and reaction components involved.
for Windows (.wmv) | for Macintosh (.mov)

Optimization for Fast PCR — This slideshow describes how you can modify your PCR assay to shorten the run time to about 35 minutes.
for Windows (.wmv) | for Macintosh (.mov) | for Printing (.pdf)

Free of charge web seminars

Sigma-Aldrich is pleased to be able to bring you a series of webex seminars dedicated to qPCR. They will include technical presentations from international speakers discussing the latest techniques and aspects of qPCR. To register, go to QPCR Seminars
Sigma-Aldrich has the pleasure of inviting you to a seminar series devoted to the technical aspects of qPCR and RT-qPCR.

=> Available Seminars:
Author Seminar Title
Mudassir Mohammed, Ph.D. An Introduction to qPCR
Valerie Hawkes, Ph.D. Assay Design and Optimisation
Neven Zoric, M.Sc. Approaches to Normal qPCR — Facing the Challenge of Normalization
Tania Nolan, Ph.D. Deriving a Troubleshooting Protocol
Mikael Kubista, Prof. A Statistical Approach to qPCR Gene Expression Data Analysis
Marina Tshuikina, Ph.D. An Introduction to Epigenetics Analysis by qPCR
Valerie Hawkes, Ph.D. Improving the Discrimination and Sensitivity of qPCR Assays using LNA
Chris Bass, Ph.D. Development of DNA-based Diagnostic Assays for Sensitive Screening of Mosquito Disease Vector Populations
Michael Pfaffl, Ph.D. Influence of RNA Integrity on Real-Time RT-PCR Quantification Data
Vladimir Benes microRNA Profiling
Rebecca Hands Technical Tips on LCM Extraction for mRNA Profiling
Jens Stolte cDNA Amplification with GenomePlex® Complete Whole Genome Amplification Kit
Tanya Novak, M.Sc. The SPUD Assay Has an Important Role in the Interpretation of Detecting Pneumocystis DNA in Clinical Specimens

Transcriptional Regulation of Eukaryotic Genomes

Fundamentals of Real-Time PCR  (by Applied Biosystems,  47 minutes)

The Eppendorf real-plex system

Audio Slide Show: SmartCycler® System for qPCR   (from Cepheid)

RNA integrity Audio slide shows

The OpenArray™ Nanotiter Plate Technology and Applications

Colin Brenan of Biotrove speaking at AMT 2006

Click here to launch presentation

Understanding biological complexity arising from patterns of gene expression requires accurate and precise measurement of RNA levels across large numbers of genes simultaneously. The preferred method for quantitative transcriptional analysis is real time PCR (rt-PCR) in a 96- or 384-well microtiter plate. Scaling rt-PCR to higher throughputs is intrinsically limited by cost and logistic considerations. Alternatively hybridization microarrays are capable of measuring transcription of many thousands of genes simultaneously yet are limited by low sensitivity, accuracy and sample throughput. We demonstrate a hybrid approach by combining the superior accuracy, precision and dynamic range of rt-PCR with the high density parallelism of a microarray in an array of 3,072 real-time, 33 nL polymerase chain reactions the size of a microscope slide. Real-time PCR in this nanotiter plate format results in substantial savings in reagents, measurement time and productivity. We demonstrate system performance by measuring tissue-specific expression of kinase genes in human heart and liver samples and transcriptional modulation by small-molecule perturbation of the TNF-alpha signaling pathway in HUVEC cells. Compared with the same assay in a 384-well microplate, we measured equivalent rt-PCR performance with a 64-fold reduction in assay volume, a 24-fold increase in analytical throughput and a workflow compatible with standard microplate protocols in an easy-to-use fomat.

Dynamic Arrays to Measure Expression of Nucleic Acids and Proteins

Michael Lucero of Fluidigm speaking at AMT 2006
Click here to launch presentation
A dynamic array is a biochip that employs integrated channels and valves in a matrix architecture. This matrix architecture is a breakthrough in efficiency because performing the same set of reactions by hand or with a robot would require orders of magnitude more sample, reagents, and pipetting steps.Dynamic arrays have been introduced that handle homogeneous or heterogeneous assays, such as real-time qPCR and ELISAs, respectively. BioMark™ dynamic arrays for qPCR accept 48 samples and 48 primer/probe sets. The components are combined into 2,304 assays (48 x 48).The chip is ideal to validate expression for 48 genes on samples from many individuals. Projected throughput of future chips is ~10,000 reactions. BioMark™ dynamic arrays for immunoassays accept 48 samples and 18 antibody pairs and generate 1,728 assays. Integrated valves prevent mixing between antibody pairs.Thus, dynamic arrays prevent signal crosstalk and eliminate the need to optimize antibody pairs for multiplexing in one vessel, a requirement with other formats. Instrumentation automates the loading of chips and analysis of results. Data produced on BioMark™ dynamic arrays for both applications will be presented, demonstrating a sensitivity of detection equivalent to conventional microwell plates while generating orders of magnitude higher throughput.

A Sequence Oriented Comparison of Gene Expression Measurements Across Different Hybridization-Based Technologies

Winston Kuo of Harvard School of Dental Medicine speaking at AMT 2006
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Gene expression microarrays have made a profound impact in biomedical research. The diversity of platforms and analytical methods has made comparison of data from multiple platforms very challenging. The presentation will describe a framework for comparisons across platforms and laboratories, where probe sequences were utilized from each vendor to map of genes across platforms.

High-throughput Measurement of Expression Signatures Using Dynamic Arrays for qPCR and Immunoassays

Michael Lucero of Fluidigm speaking at the European Biomarkers Summit 2006
To purchase a DVD of all the presentations featured at the European Biomarkers Summit, please go to the Select Biosciences website.

Click here to launch presentation

RNAi screening – advanced tools to accelerate translational research and drug discovery
  • In recent years, RNAi screening using synthetic siRNA libraries has become a popular tool for elucidating gene functional pathways and for target identification. Find out about the essentials of RNAi screening and the latest tools developed by QIAGEN to enable its broad application from Dr. Eric Lader, QIAGEN’s Associate Director of RNAi research.
  • RNAi screening - advanced tools to accelerate translational research and drug discovery.
  • Listen to this exciting Webinar now.
  • RNAi technology and genome-wide expression profiling - assessment of specificity and pathway analysis.
  • Listen to this exciting Webinar now.
  • Qiagen Webinar web page

Identification of New miRNA Markers for Breast Cancer with LNA Microarrays

Thomas Litman, Exiqon, speaking at RNAi Europe 2006
Click here to launch presentation
Abnormal expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) in cancer implies that these small ~22-nucleotide molecules play a role in oncogenesis, and therefore may comprise a novel class of diagnostic and prognostic signatures. Here, we are studying the global expression profiles of miRNAs in breast cancer and adjacent non-malignant breast tissue in order to identify possible new biomarkers for breast cancer
Biopsies from primary tumors and from the proximal tissue (1 cm and 5 cm from the border zone of tumor) were collected from female patients (age 55-69) undergoing surgery for invasive ductal carcinoma. Total RNA was extracted and analyzed for global miRNA expression on a miRCURYTM LNA-based microarray platform containing capture probes for over 400 miRNAs.
Our analysis of miRNA expression patterns from tumor and proximity tissue revealed numerous differentially expressed miRNAs, including those reported to be associated with breast cancer, such as let-7a/d/f, miR-125a/b, miR-21, miR-32, and miR-136.
In addition, we have identified several miRNAs that have not previously been connected with breast cancer. Some of these novel miRNA signatures could have diagnostic and prognostic potential for breast cancer patients.

RNAi Based Toold in Apptosis Research

Yu Shen, Abbott Laboratories, speaking at RNAi Europe 2006
Click here to launch presentation
Several cases of off-target gene silencing were identified in our siRNA library screens (Lin X Nucleic Acids Research 33: 4527-35, 2005). However, despite the complications of off-target gene silencing, we successfully identified three cancer targets by screening an siRNA library against the “druggable genome” using a cell-death assay.
In addition, in an siRNA-based synthetic lethal screen, we found that knockdown of survivin led to the selective killing of K-Ras mutant cells. We also explored RNAi-based methodology for target validation in animal models.
We developed a tightly regulated shRNA expression system (Lin X. FEBS letter, 577: 376-80, 2004) and used this system to prepare stable tumor cell lines that conditionally expressed an shRNA for HIF-1a. These tumor cells were implanted in mice to form tumors that served as a versatile tool for studying the effects of inhibiting HIF-1 in vivo (Li L Cancer Research, 65: 7249-58, 2005).
Finally, we investigated several methods for the creation of germline knockdown animals. By modifying the standard methods, we successfully increased the transgenic frequency and F1 transmission rate and created tyrosinase knockdown mice with a lighter-coat-color phenotype that can be stably transmitted to the next generation.

OpenGenomics Peer Science

Welcome to the OpenGenomics Peer Science series, where your colleagues discuss their latest findings in Genomics research. With technical webcasts from your peers, podcasts providing distilled takes on research breakthroughs, and the latest in published papers, Open Genomics is dedicated to providing fresh perspectives on pressing research questions. Check here regularly for the latest developments in Genomics.
Published Papers
A searchable database of the latest publications using Agilent's DNA microarray platform. Search by application, date, or keyword.
Each webcast contains a short scientific talk on a specific area of research, presented by the researcher. These webcasts are 15-20 minutes long and are available on demand.
Each Podcast is developed as an informational brief highlighting innovative approaches to fundamental research questions, available as an RSS feed to your IPod®, or available for listening on your computer.

Weekly Podcasts from the GENcast Network

These weekly podcasts feature interviews with leading biotech researchers, newsmakers, and thought leaders. Topics revolve around the critical scientific and business issues that impact the global biotechnology industry, beginning with new discoveries in the lab and then moving onto R & D, biomanufacturing, and final product commercialization. Trends, novel technologies, opinions, recent developments, how-to advice, and much more are discussed in our podcasts in a lively, to-the-point, and informative style. New every Thursday, you can listen right from the GEN website or you can subscribe using the button below to have it download each week automatically to your iPod or mp3 player!
  • THE INVENTOR OF PCR - GEN's Editor-in-Chief John Sterling interviews the Nobel Prize winning inventor of PCR, Dr. Kary Mullis. (2/15/2007) sponsored by: Eppendorf
  • RNAi TECHNOLOGY -  Richard Jorgensen, Ph.D., from the University of Arizona (3/22/2007)  sponsored by: Sigma-Aldrich
  • qPCR AND LATE-PCR, AN ADVANCED TECHNIQUE FOR DNA AMPLIFICATION -  Lawrence Wangh, Ph.D., from Brandeis University (2/22/2007)  sponsored by: Eppendorf
  • PROBE-BASED, REAL-TIME QUANTITATIVE PCR ASSAY DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS -  Gregory L. Shipley, Ph.D., Director, Quantitative Genomics Core Laboratory, The University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston. (2/1/2007)  sponsored by: Eppendorf
