REST 2008
2.0.7 released 21. June 2008
new stand-alone software versions REST 2008 was programmed and
designed by Matthew Herrmann, David Chiew, and Birgit Speller working at Corbett
Research (Sydney, Australia)
and Michael W. Pfaffl, Technical
University of Munich, Germany.
REST 2008 builds on
its predecessor REST 2005 with significant
improvements to randomization
This new revision introduces alternative data inputs such as single run
efficiency and amplification
take-off point,
alleviating the
need to set amplification plot thresholds.
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Manual REST 2008
REST 2008 software (removed)
Slide show REST-2008
Please download newest version REST 2009 =>
REST 2008 is a
standalone software package for analyzing gene expression using
real-time amplification data. The software addresses issues surrounding
the measurement of uncertainty in expression ratios by introducing
randomization and bootstrapping techniques. New confidence intervals
for expression levels also allow measurement of not only the
statistical significance of deviations but also their likely magnitude,
even in the presence of outliers. Whisker box plots provide a visual
representation of variation for each gene, highlighting potential
issues such as distribution skew. REST 2008 builds on its predecessor REST 2005 with significant
improvements to randomization algorithms.
This new revision introduces alternative data inputs such as single
sample efficiency and amplification take-off point, alleviating the
need to set amplification plot thresholds.
What's NEW since REST 2005 ?
NEW - REST-RG mode
A new method of input
has been introduced, allowing users to copy and paste results from the
Rotor-Gene software's Comparative Quantitation analysis. This is an
alternative to importing standard curve and CT results. See REST-RG
Mode chapter for more details.
Whisker-Box Plots Exportable
Whisker-Box plots can
now be exported by right-clicking on the graph.
Improved randomisation
Improvements to the
randomisation algorithms have been made, making confidence intervals
much tighter, and p-values more accurate. In previous versions the
pair-wise fixed reallocation was incorrectly matching the gene of
interest CT with the incorrect reference CT, this issue has been
rectified in REST 2008.
Handling of standard curve variation
REST 2008 no longer
takes into account the variation of the standard curve and implements
improvements to the calculation of confidence intervals and p-values.
In previous versions, the software would randomly pick two points from
the standard curve and calculate an efficiency based on that. However
there is a situation when two points are chosen that lie close to each
other on the standard curve, this can cause a bogus efficiency which
adds unnecessary outliers to the random distribution. We now calculate
the efficiency by determining the line of best fit for the standard
curve, this efficiency is used through the randomisation process.
Prior to
REST (Relative Expression Software
Pfaffl et al 2002), Relative Quantitation in qRT-PCR was a
which allowed the estimation of gene expression. While useful, it did
provide statistical
information suitable for comparing groups of treated versus untreated
in a robust fashion. To illustrate with an example, let
say we are testing to see if a particular mRNA is responsible for
sending pain
We split up our patients into two groups: one which will be subject to
pain (such
immersion of the hand in ice-cold water), and the other, which is our
control group. Following this, we measure the quantities of
gene of interest mRNA in both groups, relative to reference genes. Our
question is:
did the group subject to pain release more gene of interest mRNA than
the other? Prior approaches are insufficient
to answer this question. They may calculate an average expression value
indicating whether a particular subject in one group appeared to
release more or less
gene of interest mRNA than another subject, but
any statistical test to determine accuracy. Due to the use of ratios in
expression, it becomes very complex to perform traditional statistical
as ratio distributions do not have a
deviation. REST 2005 overcomes these problems by using simple
tests. Such tests can appear counter-intuitive and so it is recommended
to read
the discussions on randomisation techniques in the topic Links before
Hypothesis Test
The purpose of REST
2008 is to determine whether there is a significant difference between
samples and controls, while taking into account issues of reaction
efficiency and reference gene normalisation. Because the normalisation
and efficiency calculations involve ratios and multiple sources of
error, it would be extremely difficult to devise a traditional
statistical test, and so randomisation techniques are used instead.
The hypothesis test P(H1) indicated in the results table, represents
the probability of the alternate hypothesis that the difference between
sample and control groups is due only to chance. To devise a strong
randomisation test, we use the following randomisation scenario: "If
any perceived variation between samples and controls is due only to
chance, then we could randomly swap values between the two groups and
not see a greater difference than what we see between the labelled
The hypothesis test performs a large number of random reallocations of
samples and controls between the groups. It then counts the number of
times the relative expression of the randomly assigned group is greater
than the sample data.
Reference Gene Normalisation
REST 2008 allows the researcher to take into consideration multiple
reference genes when determining expression, although it still remains
possible to use a single reference. When estimating a sample's
expression ratio, an intermediate absolute concentration value is
calculated according to the following formula:
concentration =
efficiencyavg(Controls) – avg(Samples)
Errors in calculation
of concentration occur due to linear variation in CT values. Estimates
of concentration use an equation of the form c = A x eCt
and so vary
formula is used to obtain mean estimates of the uncorrected
absolute concentration for each gene. For a single reference gene,
the concentration of the gene of interest is divided by the reference
gene value
to obtain an expression level, as is done in the Two Standard Curve
expression = goiConcentration
÷ refConcentration
For multiple reference genes, the geometric mean is taken of all
reference gene concentrations, since concentration estimates vary
exponentially (Vandesompele et al.,
expression = goiConcentration
÷ GEOMEAN (refConc1, refConc2,, …)
to normalise according to multiple reference genes, a
second approach can be used, to normalise the individual expressions
relative to
each reference gene which represents an alternative approximations of
the true expression value. To take all into account
simultaneously, they are averaged using a geometric mean (since ratios
are being
expression =
GEOMEAN (goiConcentration ÷ refConc1, goiConcentration ÷
refConc2, …)
the mean concentrations of each gene do not change, they can be
calculated at the beginning of the algorithm, and expressed as a
single value, called the "Normalisation factor", equal to their
Greater Accuracy for Hypothesis
redevelopment of the REST 2005 software as a stand-alone application
provides an order of magnitude of increase in
performance. The speed improvements have been used to increase the
number of
randomisation iterations from 2,000 to 50,000, compared to earlier REST
versions (Pfaffl et al.,
NAR 2002),
increasing the accuracy and reproducibility of
tests to a level equivalent to traditional statistical tests.
Expression Level Confidence
previous REST publications provide a means of determining the mean
output and a P value for the likelihood of up or
down-regulation using a hypothesis test, bootstrapping techniques can
be used to
provide 95% confidence intervals for expression ratios, without
normality or symmetrical distribution assumptions. While a hypothesis
test provides a measure of whether there was a statistically
result, the confidence interval provides a range that can be checked
for semantic significance.
For example, drinking cough medicine before driving may increase the
of an accident
by 1x10^-6 %. While a statistical test may show the difference to be
significant, it clearly poses no real threat to drivers, when
taking into consideration the average number of accidents a driver has
in their
Efficiency Error Measurement
statistical tests in REST 2008 now include correction for variation in
efficiency. If variation in efficiency is low, hypothesis
tests will
produce more conclusive results, and confidence bands for estimated
expression will be smaller. As all statistics are calculated
using randomisation techniques, the approach for measuring standard
curve error
must also be stochastic, and is expressed as a challenge: If we ignore
variation in thestandard curve, the slope (m
value) will be expressed as a constant in all equations. Say, then, we
have a
standard curve of six data points for the gene GAPDH that we use to
estimate its efficiency. If there is no variation in the
standard curve, then we could pick any two points in the curve and
still measure the
same gradient. If, however, there is large variation between the
points, then random selection of points will greatly
vary the efficiency calculated. Using a few data points, we can then
simulate the
random variable representing the efficiency error. The randomised
efficiency value is then included in calculations instead
of the slope of the line of best fit, feeding any variation in
efficiency directly into the relative
quantitation hypothesis tests and confidence intervals.
Whisker-Box Plots
replaces the bar graph visualisation in prior versions with a
statistical whisker-box plot. Instatistical applications,
whisker-box plots provide additional information about the skew of
distributions that would not be available simply
by plotting the sample mean. See the link below for general information
whisker-box plots:
References & Links
"Relative Expression Software Tool
(REST) for group-wise comparison and statistical analysis of
expression results in Real-Time PCR", (Pfaffl et al, 2002)
"Accurate normalization of
real-time quantitative RT-PCR data by geometric averaging of multiple internal control genes"
(Vandersompele et al, 2002)
"Bootstrap Methods and their Application" (A.C. Davidson, D.V. Hinkley
2002), Cambridge University Press (ISBN 0-521-57391-2, Cambridge
University Press 2002)
Corbett Research Ptd Ltd:
Rotor-Gene 6000 Series Software User Guide (Australia, Sydney, 2008) (Corbett
This reference
provides a good introduction to the philosophy of randomised tests:
This reference provides an online interactive example of the test:
This reference provides more detailed descriptions on how to carry out
traditional tests, such as determination of confidence intervals and
hypothesis testing using bootstrapping and randomisation:
A description of Whisker-Box Plots:
Contact Information
If you have further questions or
comments to improve the software, your
suggestion are always welcome.
Please contact us at this address:
REST 2008 -
Slide show
1: Gene description &
PCR efficiency calculation
Page 2: CP data
Page 3:
Result page - normalized relative expression results
Result page - NON-normalized relative expression results
Page 5: Whisker Plot
Page 6: Graph export
Page 7: Help