Poster board A:   Array verification
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Using real-time PCR for cDNA Array verification
Birgit Kindermann, Hannelore Daniel, Michael W. Pfaffl & Frank Döring (2002)
Einsatz der cDNA-Array-Technologie zur Identifizierung Zink-sensitiver Gene in-vitro.
Dechema Statusseminar „Chiptechnologie: Transkriptom – Proteom – Metabolom“, S.79
Birgit Kindermann, Hannelore Daniel, Michael W. Pfaffl & Frank Döring (2002)
Application of the cDNA-Array-technology for the identification of zinc response genes in mammalian cells.
The first international Nutrigenomics Conference, 28.2.-1.3.2002 in Noordwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands
Heike tom Dieck, Hans Peter Roth, Hannelore Daniel, Michael W. Pfaffl & Frank Döring (2002)
Expressionsanalyse von Säugergenen beim isolierten Zinkmangel mittels cDNA und Oligonukleotid-Arrays.
Dechema Statusseminar „Chiptechnologie: Transkriptom – Proteom – Metabolom“, p 91
Heike tom Dieck, Hans Peter Roth, Hannelore Daniel, Michael W. Pfaffl & Frank Döring (2002)
Identification of genes with altered expression in zinc-deficient rats by use of DNA microarrays. 
The first international Nutrigenomics Conference, 28.2.-1.3.2002 in Noordwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands
Michael W. Pfaffl & Rupert M. Bruckmaier (2002)
DNA array and real-time PCR  an optimal combination !
The use of real-time (kinetic) quantitative PCR to validate cDNA array results

Array Meeting:  COST B20: Mammary development, function and cancer on 10th and 11th of May in Utrecht.

Abstract book of the Meeting
Michael W. Pfaffl, Petros Arnaoutis & Alois Sellmayer (2002)
Mikroarray und real-time RT-PCR – eine optimale Kombination !  Verifikation von DNA Array Ergebnissen mittels real-time RT-PCR am Beispiel verletzungs-regulierter Gene in einer HUVEC Zellkultur
Dechema Statusseminar „Chiptechnologie: Transkriptom – Proteom – Metabolom“, 102-104
1 Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Chalmers University of Technology and TATAA Biocenter, Sweden
2 Department of Medical Biochemistry, Gothenburg University, Sweden
3 Institute of Physiology, FML-Weihenstephan, Technical University of Munich, Germany
4 Department of Pathology, Lundberg laboratory for cancer research, Gothenburg University, Sweden

Advanced quantitative real-time PCR in clinical diagnostics and cDNA microarray validation

1st European Conference in Functional Genomics and Diseases,
Prague, Czech Republic, May 14-17, 2003


